SAU 7 Policies
A - FOUNDATIONS AND BASIC COMMITMENTS - the District's legal role in providing public education and the basic principles underlying School Board governance.
- AA School District Legal Status.pdf
- ABA Volunteer Involvement.pdf
- AC Nondiscrimination Policy.pdf
- AC-E Non Discrimination Annual Personnel.pdf
- AC-R Nondiscrimination Grievance Procedure.pdf
- AC-R2 USDA Non Discrimination Statement.pdf
- ACAA Unlawful Harassment_Sexual Harassment of Students Policy.pdf
- ACAA-R Student Discrimination Harassment Complaint Procedure.pdf
- ACAB Unlawful Harassment Sexual Harassment of School Employees Policy.pdf
- ACAB-R Employee Discrimination Harassment Complaint Procedure.pdf
- ACAC Title IX Sexual Harrassment Policy & Grievance Process.pdf
- ACD Commitment to Religious Neutrality.pdf
- ACE Procedural Safeguards Nondiscrimination on the basis of Handicap or Disability.pdf
- ACN - Nursing Mothers Accommodation.pdf
- ADB Drug Free Workplace and Drug Free Schools.pdf
- ADC Tobacco Products.pdf
- ADC-R Tobacco Products Disposal.pdf
- AE Accountability.pdf
B - SCHOOL BOARD GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONS - how the School Board is elected or appointed, how it is organized, how it conducts meetings and how the board operates.
- BA SB Self Evaluation and Goal Setting.pdf
- BA-R1 Evaluation of SB Operational Procedures.pdf
- BAAA SB Policies and Administrative Procedures.pdf
- BB SB Legal Status.pdf
- BBB SB Elections.pdf
- BBA-R SB Powers and Duties Part Ed 303.pdf
- BBAA SB Member Authority.pdf
- BBAB Roles and Duties of the Board Chairperson.pdf
- BBB-R Oath of Office.pdf
- BBBA Board Member Qualifications.pdf
- BBBC Board Member Resignation.pdf
- BBBD Board Member Removal from Office.pdf
- BBBE Unexpired Term Fulfillment.pdf
- BBBF Student Members of the SB.pdf
- BBBH Recognition of Organizations of SAU SB.pdf
- BBBH-S Organization and Operation of SAU Joint Board.pdf
- BCA Board Member Ethics.pdf
- BCA-R- School Baord Member Ethics Acknowledgment of School Board Ethics (3).pdf
- BCB Board Member Conflict of Interest.pdf
- BDA Board Organizational Meeting.pdf
- BDB Board Officers.pdf
- BDC Appointed Board Officials.pdf
- BDD Board Superintendent Relationship.pdf
- BDD-R Board-Super Relations.pdf
- BDE - Policy Dissemination.pdf
- BDF Advisory Committees to the Board.pdf
- BDG School Attorney.pdf
- BEA Regular Board Meetings.pdf
- BEAA SB Meeting Preparation.pdf
- BEAB SB Member use of Electronic Devices.pdf
- BEB Emergency Board Meetings.pdf
- BEC Non-Public Sessions.pdf
- BEDA Public Notification of SB Mtgs.pdf
- BEDB Agenda Preparation and Dissmenination.pdf
- BEDC Quorum.pdf
- BEDD Rules of Order.pdf
- BEDDA Board Meeting - Rules of Procedure and Order.pdf
- BEDD-R Sample Rules of Order.pdf
- BEDG - Meeting Minutes.pdf
- BEDG-R Access to Minutes and Public Records.pdf
- BEDH Public Participation at SB mtgs.pdf
- BFE Administration in policy absence.pdf
- BGAA Policy Development Adoption and Review.pdf
- BGD Board review of administrative regs.pdf
- BGF Suspension of Policies.pdf
- BHC - Board - Employee Communications.pdf
- BHE Board Member Use of Email and Other Electronic Communications.pdf
- BIA New Board Member Orientation 1-11-24 (3).pdf
- BID Clar Payment Policy.pdf
- BID Stew & Cole Officers Payment.pdf
- BID Colu Payment for Services SB officers.pdf
- BIE - Board Member Indemnification.pdf
C - GENERAL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION - school management, administrative organization, and school building and department administration; personnel policies on the superintendent, senior administrators, and school principals.
- CA Administration Goals.pdf
- CB School Superintendent.pdf
- CB-R Duties of the Superintendent.pdf
- CBB Appointment of Superintendent.pdf
- CBG Superintendent's Development Opportunities.pdf
- CBI Superintendent Evaluation and Goal Setting.pdf
- CBI-R Evaluation of the Superintendent.pdf
- CCA - Administrative Succession Plan.pdf
- CCB Line and Staff Relations.pdf
- CF School Building Administration.pdf
- CFA Individual School Administrative Personnel.pdf
- CFA_R Duties of the Principal.pdf
- CFB Building Principal Evaluation.pdf
- CH Policy Implementation.pdf
- CHA Development of Regulations.pdf
- CHB Board Review of Regulations.pdf
- CHCA Approval of Handbooks and Directives.pdf
- CHD Administration in Policy Absence.pdf
- CLA Treatment of Outside Reports.pdf
- CM School District Annual Report.pdf
D - FISCAL MANAGEMENT - school finances and the management of funds.
- DA Fiscal Management Plan.pdf
- DAF Administration of Federal Grant Funds(1).pdf
- DB Annual Budget.pdf
- DBC Budget Preparation.pdf
- DBI Budget Implementation.pdf
- DBJ Transfer of Appropriations.pdf
- DC Taxing and Borrowing Authority Limitations 3.pdf
- DFA Investment.pdf
- DFA_R Investment of School District Funds.pdf
- DFGA - Crowd Funding.pdf
- DG Depository of Funds (1).pdf
- DGA Authorized Signatures (2).pdf
- DGD School Distric Credit Cards (1).pdf.pdf
- DH Bonded Employees (1).pdf
- DI Fiscal Accounting and Reporting (1).pdf
- DI-R Fiscal Accounting and Reporting Regulations (1).pdf
- DIA Fund Balance Policy .pdf
- DID Fixed Asset Accounting Policy 1 pdf.pdf
- DIE Audits (1).pdf.pdf
- DIE Clar Audits.pdf
- DIH Fraud Prevention and Fiscal Management (1).pdf.pdf
- DJ Purchasing.pdf
- DJB Purchasing Procedures .pdf
- DJC Petty Cash Accounts (1).pdf
- DJC-R Petty Cash Accounts.pdf
- DJE Bidding Requirements.pdf
- DJE-R Procurement Manual (1) (2).pdf.pdf
- DJE-1 Food Service Procurement policy.pdf
- DJG Vendor Relations.pdf
- DK Payment Procedures (1).pdf
- DK-R Payment Procedure.pdf
- DKA Payroll Procedures.pdf
- DN Equipment and Supplies Sales.pdf
E - SUPPORT SERVICES - policies, regulations, and exhibits on non-instructionsal services and programs, such as safety, building and grounds management, office services, tranportation, and food services.
- EB Workplace Safety Program and Joint Loss Management Committee.pdf
- EBB School Safety.pdf
- EBBD Indoor Air Quality.pdf
- EBC Crisis Prevention.pdf
- EBCA Crisis Prevention & Emergency Response Plans.pdf
- EBCB Fire Drills.pdf
- EBCB-R.pdf
- EBCC Bomb Threats.pdf
- EBCD Emergency Closings.pdf
- EBCF Pandemic Epidemic Emergencies.pdf
- EBCG Communicable & Infectious Diseases.pdf
- EC Buildings and Grounds Management.pdf
- ECA Buildings and Grounds Security.pdf
- ECAF Audio and Video Surveillance on School Buses.pdf
- ECD Unmanned Aircraft Systems - Drones.pdf
- EDC Authorized use of Equipment.pdf
- EEA Student Transportation Services.pdf
- EEA-R Student Transportation.pdf
- EEAA Video and Audio Surveillance on School Property.pdf
- EEAB Establishment of Bus Routes and Stops .pdf
- EEACB Bus Maintenance.pdf
- EEAE School Bus Safety Program.pdf
- EEAEA Mandatory Drug Testing School Bus Drivers.pdf
- EEAEA-R Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers.pdf
- EEAG Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Students.pdf
- EEAG-R Statement of Insurance on Private Vehicles.pdf
- EF Food Service Management.pdf
- EFA Availability and Distribution of Healthy Foods.pdf
- EFAA - Meal Charging.pdf
- EFE - Vending Machines.pdf
- EG District Communication Plan.pdf
- EH - Public Access To School District Records.pdf
- EHAA Computer Security E-mail and Internet Commuications.pdf
- EHAB Data Governance and Security.pdf
- EHAC Electronic-Digital Records & Signatures.pdf
- EHB Data Records Retention and Destruction.pdf
- EHB-R- Local Records Retention Schedule.docx_ filename_ (1).pdf
- EI Risk Management.pdf
- EIB Liability Insurance and Pooled Risk Mgmt.pdf
- EID Insurance.pdf
F - FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - facility planning, financing, construction and renovation.
- FA Facilities Development Goals and Preparation of Capital Improvement Plan.pdf
- FAA Annual Facility Plan and Unused Diestrict Property.pdf
- FEH Supervision of Construction Clerk of the Works Project Manager.pdf
- FF - Naming of District Buildings and Facilities and Dedication of Areas.pdf
- FM - Facilities Protection.pdf
G - PERSONNEL - policies on all school employees except for the Superintendent.
- GA Personnel Policies Goals.pdf
- GADA Employment References and Verification.pdf
- GBA Equal Opportunity Employment.pdf
- GBAA-R Sexual Harassment Report Form.pdf
- GBB Employee Involvement In Decision Making.pdf
- GBCD - Background Investigation and Criminal History Records Check.docx; filename_2A.pdf
- GBCE Sexual Abuse Training.pdf
- GBD Cole Board-Employee Communications.pdf
- GBD Stew Board-Employee Communications.pdf
- GBE Employee Rights and Responsibilities.pdf
- GBEA Staff Ethics.pdf
- GBEAA Confidential Student Information.pdf
- GBEAB Mandatory Code of Conduct Reporting - All Employees.pdf
- GBEB Staff Conduct.pdf
- GBEBA Staff Dress Code.pdf
- GBEBB Employee Student Relations.pdf
- GBEBC Employee Gifts and Solicitations .pdf
- GBEBD Employee Use of Social Networking Websites.pdf
- GBEBE Employment of Relatives or Persons with Romantic Interpersonal Relationships.pdf
- GBEC Drug-Free Workplace & Drug-Free School.pdf
- GBEC-R - Drug-Alcohol Use Policy Staff.pdf
- GBED - Prohibitions Regarding Use and Possession of Tobacco Products-E Cigarettes and E Liquids in and on School Facilities and Grounds.pdf
- GBG Employee Protection.pdf
- GBGA Staff Health.pdf
- GBGBA Use of Automated External Defibrillators.pdf
- GBGD Workers' Compensation Temporary Alternative Work program.pdf
- GBGD-R Temporary Alternative Duty Program Acknowoledgement.pdf
- GBI Staff Participation in Political Activities.pdf
- GBJ Personnel Records.pdf
- GBJ-R Personnel Records.pdf
- GBJA Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act.pdf
- GBJA-R HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices.pdf
- GBK Employee Concerns, Complaints.pdf
- GBK-R - Employee Complaints and Grievances.pdf
- GCA Professional Staff Positions.pdf
- GCB Professional Staff Contracts.pdf
- GCCBC FMLA Leave 2020-U2.pdf
- GCEB Professional Instructional Staff.pdf
- GCF Professional Staff Hiring.pdf
- GCG -SAU Part-time and Substitute Professional Staff Employment4.pdf
- GCH Professional Staff Orientation.pdf
- GCK - Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers.pdf
- GCNA - Supervision of Instructional Staff.pdf
- GCO - Teacher Performance and Evaluation System.pdf
- GCP Professional Staff Promotion Reclassification.pdf
- GCQ Non-renewal Termination and Dismissal of Certified Staff.pdf
- GCQA Stew Reduction in Instructional Staff Work Force.pdf
- GCQC - Resignation of Instructional Staff Member.pdf
- GCR Nonschool Employment by Professional Staff Members.pdf
- GCRC Professional Personnel Counseling.pdf
- GDB - Employment-Hiring of Non-Certified Personnel.pdf
- GDB-R Employment of Non-certified Personnel.pdf
- GDF Hiring of Non-Certified Personnel.pdf
- GDJ Non-Certified Personnel Assignment and Re-Assignment.pdf
- GDO Evaluation of Support Staff.pdf
- GDQ Termination of Non-Certified Personnel.pdf
- GEA Athletic Team Coaches.pdf
- GEA-R North Country Sports Program Athletic Director and Coaches Handbook.pdf
- GEA-R1 Pitt Fitness Room.pdf
H - NEGOTIATIONS - the process of negotiating with Bargaining units recognized by the School Board and authorized under state law.
I - INSTRUCTION - policies on the instructional program: basic curricular subjects, special programs, instructional resources, and academic achievement.
- IB Academic Freedom.pdf
- IC School Year and School Year Calendar.pdf
- IF Instructional Program.pdf
- IFA Instructional Needs of Each Individual Student.pdf
- IGA Curriculum Development.pdf
- IGD Curriculum Adoption.pdf
- IGE Parental Objections to Specific Course Material.pdf
- IHAH World Languages Program.pdf
- IHAK Character and Citizenship Education.pdf
- IHAL Teaching About Religion.pdf
- IHAM Health Education & Exemption.pdf
- IHAM-R Health and Sex Education Exemption Opt-Out Form.pdf
- IHAMA Teaching About Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco.pdf
- IHAMB Teaching About Self-Protection.pdf
- IHBA Programs for Pupils with Disabilities.pdf
- IHBAA Evaluation Requirements for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities .pdf
- IHBB - Programs for Gifted and Talented Students.pdf
- IHBAB Special Education Evaluations.pdf
- IHBBA Limited English Proficiency Instruction.pdf
- IHBBA-R Limited English Proficient Programs Parent Enrollment Form.pdf
- IHBCA Pregnant Students.pdf
- IHBF North Country Charter Academy Committeed Slots.pdf
- IHBG Home Education Instruction (1).pdf
- IHBH Extended Learning Opportunities.pdf
- IHBH-R Extended Learning Opportunity Application.pdf
- IHBH-R2 Memorandum of Understanding for Extended Learning Opportunities.pdf
- IHBI Alternative Learning Plans.pdf
- IHCA Summer Activities.pdf
- IHCD Advanced Course Work Advanced Placement Courses & STEM Dual & Concurrent Enrollment Program.pdf
- IIB - Class Size.pdf
- IJ Instructional Resources and Instructional Resources Plan.pdf
- IJ-R Criteria of Selection of Instructional Materials.pdf
- IJK Supplemental Materials Selection and Adoption.pdf
- IJK-R Supplemental Material Selection and Adoption.pdf
- IJL Library Materials Selection and Reconsideration Policy.pdf
- IJO-KA School Family and Community Partnerships.pdf
- IJOA Field Trips and Exursions.pdf
- IJOA-R Field Trip Request Form.pdf
- IJOC - Volunteers.pdf
- IJOC-R Volunteers - Confidentiality Agreement.pdf
- IK Earning of HIgh School Credit.pdf
- IKA Grading System.pdf
- IKAA Interdisciplinary Credit.pdf
- IKAD Changing Student Grades.pdf
- IKAD-R Changing Student Grades - Process.pdf
- IKB Homework.pdf
- IKC Academic Honors, Class Ranking, Valedictorian and Salutatorian.pdf
- IKE Promotion and Retention of Students.pdf
- IKF -High School Graduation Requirements.pdf
- IKFA Early Graduation.pdf
- IKFC - Alternate Diploma for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities.pdf
- IKFG Career REadiness Pathways and Credentials.pdf
- IKG Awards and Scholorships.pdf
- IKL - Academic Intecgrity and Honesty.docx; filename_2A (1).pdf
- IL - Analysis and Assessment of Instructional Resources.pdf
- ILBA Assessment of Educational Programs.pdf
- ILBAA High School Graduation Competencies.pdf
- ILD - Non Educational Non Academic Questionnaires Surveys and Research.pdf
- ILD-R - Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment - Supporting Forms.pdf
- IMAH Daily Physical Activity.pdf
- IMBA Distance Education (1).pdf
- IMBC Alternative Credit Options.pdf
- IMBD High School Credit for 7th-8th Grade Coursework.pdf
- IMC Controversial Speakers and Programs.pdf
- IMDA Patriotic Excercises.pdf
- IMG - Animals in the School.pdf
- IMGA - Service Animals in Schools.pdf
J - STUDENTS - policies on students - admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, health and welfare, and school-related activities.
- JBAA-R - Sexual Harassment and Violence Report Form.pdf
- JBAB Transgender Student Guidelines no Pitts.pdf
- JCA Change of Class of School Assignment Best Interests and Manifest Hardship.pdf
- JEA - Compulsory Attendance Age.pdf
- JEB - Age of Entrance.pdf
- JF - Enrollment.pdf
- JFA - Residency.pdf
- JFAA - Admission of Resident Students.pdf
- JFAB Admission of Tuition and Non-Resident Students.pdf
- JFAB-A Non-Resident Student Enrollment for Children of Staff Members Policy - Colebrook.pdf
- JFAB-A Application Colebrook (1).docx
- JFAB-B Non-Resident Student Enrollment for Children of Staff Members Policy - Pittsburg Revised 5-13-24 (1).pdf
- JFAB-B-R Application Pittsburg.pdf
- JFAB-C Non-Resident Student Enrollment for Children of Staff Members Policy - Stewartstown.pdf
- JFAB-C Non-Resident Student Enrollment for Children of Staff Members Form Stewartstown- Copy.pdf
- JFABB - Foreign Exchange Students.pdf
- JFABB-R Admission of Foreign Exchange Students.pdf
- JFABD - Admission of Homeless Students.pdf
- JFABD- R1 Pittsburg Dispute Resolution Process homeless JFABD-R.pdf
- JFABD-R2 Written Notice of Enrollment Decision.pdf
- JFABD-R3 Written Notice of a Disputed Enrollment Decision.pdf
- JFAM Education of Military Children & Military Connected Students.pdf
- JG - Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels.pdf
- JH - Attendance, Absenteeism and Truancy.pdf
- JI Student Rights and Responsibilities 2021.pdf
- JIB - Student Involvement in Decision Making.pdf
- JIC Student Conduct 2021.pdf
- JICA - Student Dress Code.pdf
- JICC - Student Conduct on School Buses.pdf
- JICC-R - Student Rules and Conduct on the School Bus.pdf
- JICD - Student Discipline and Due Process.pdf
- JICD-R Memorandum of Understanding.pdf
- JICDAA Employee Student Relations.pdf
- JICDD - Student Discipline.pdf
- JICE - Student Publications.pdf
- JICE-R - Student Publications and Productions.pdf
- JICEA - Student Productions.pdf
- JICF Gang Activity.pdf
- JICFA - Hazing.pdf
- JICG - Tobacco Products Ban Use and Possession in and on School Facilities.pdf
- JICG-R - No Smoking Student Regs.pdf
- JICH - Drug & Alcohol Use By Students.pdf
- JICH-R - Drug-Alcohol Use by Students.pdf
- JICJ Colebrook Unauthorized Communication Devices.pdf
- JICJ Pitt Mobile Devices Cell Phone Policy.pdf
- JICJ-R Pitt Cell Phone Contract for Students in grades 9-12.pdf
- JICK - Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention - Bullying.pdf
- JICK-R -Documentation of Bullying.pdf
- JICL - School District Internet Access for Students.pdf
- JICL-R-Student Acceptable Technology Use.pdf
- JICM - Bring Your Own Device or Technology.pdf
- JIH - Student Searches and their Property.pdf
- JIH-R - Search of Students.pdf
- JIHB - Searches of Student Automobiles on School Property.pdf
- JIHB-R - Student Operated Vehicle Search Report.pdf
- JIHD - Student Interviews and Interrogations.pdf
- JIJ - Student Protests Demonstrations and Strikes.pdf
- JJA Student Activities & Organizations.pdf
- JJE - Student Fund-Raising Activities.pdf
- JJF Student Activities Fund Management.pdf
- JJF-R Administering Student Activity Funds.pdf
- JJG - Non-School Sponsored Contests for Students.pdf
- JJIB - Interscholastic Athletics.pdf
- JJIF - Guidelines for Proper Sportsmanship.pdf
- JJJ - Access to Public School Programs by Nonpublic, Charter School and Home-Educated Pupils.pdf
- JKA - Corporal Punishment.pdf
- JKAA - Use of Restraints and Seclusion.pdf
- JKB - Detention of Students.pdf
- JKB-1 Detention Procedure.pdf
- JLA - Student Insurance Program.pdf
- JLC Student Health Services.pdf
- JLCA Physical Examinations of Students.pdf
- JLCA-R Family Physician's Report of Physical Examination.pdf
- JLCB Immunizations of Students.pdf
- JLCB-R Workflow - Delinquent Documentation of Immunizations.pdf
- JLCC Head Lice - Pediculosis.pdf
- JLCD Administering Medication to Students.pdf
- JLCD-F1 Medication Authorization Form.pdf
- JLCD-F2 Epi-Pen Medication Administration Form - Self.pdf
- JLCD-F3 Inhaled Medication Administration Form -Self.pdf
- JLCD-R Administering Medication to Students.pdf
- JLCE-R - Emergency Card new language.pdf
- JLCDA Medical Treatment - Parental Consent.pdf
- JLCEA Use of AED.pdf
- JLCEA-1 AED Event Summary.pdf
- JLCF Wellness Incomplete.pdf
- JLCG Exclusion of Students who present a hazard.pdf
- JLCI Coordinated School Health Program.pdf
- JLCJ Concussions and Head Injuries.pdf
- JLCJA Emergency Plan for Sports Rleated Injuries and Additional Protocols for Athletics Participation.pdf
- JLCK Special Physical Health Needs of Students.pdf
- JLDBA Behavior Management and Intervention.pdf
- JLDBB Suicide Prevention and Response.pdf
- JLDBB-1 Suicide Prevention.pdf
- JLDBB-2 Suicide Prevention.pdf
- JLF - Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect.pdf
- JLIA Supervision of Students.pdf
- JLIE - Student Automobiles.pdf
- JLIE-R - Student Motorized Vehicle Use Permit Application.pdf
- JLIF Receipt & Use of Sex Offender Registry Information.pdf
- JLIF-R Receipt & Use of Sex Offender Registry Regulations.pdf
- JQ - Student Fees, Fines and Charges.pdf
- JRA Student Records and Access - FERPA.pdf
- JRA-R FERPA - Notice of Directory Information.pdf
- JRB Confidential Student Information.pdf
- JTA Weather Guidelines for Outdoor Play.pdf
K - SCHOOL-COMMUNITY-HOME RELATIONS - policies, regulations, and exhibits on parent and community involvement in schools and public sector relations with the school district.
- KA-IJO School-Family and Community Partnershps.pdf
- KB Title I Family and Community Engagement.pdf
- KCD Public Gifts Donations.pdf
- KCD-R Public Donations to Schools.pdf
- KCD-R1 Scholarship Donation.pdf
- KCD-R2 Expendable Trust Fund.pdf
- KCD-R3 Local Donations.pdf
- KD School District Social Media Websites.pdf
- KD-R School District Social Media Websites Regulation & Administrative Procedures.pdf
- KDCA - Use of Students in Public Information Program.pdf
- KE Public Complaints.pdf
- KEB Public Complaints about School Personnel, Employees, Students or Administration.pdf
- KEC - Reconsideration of Instructional Materials.pdf
- KEC-R (3).pdf
- KED Facilities or Services - Grievance Procedure (Section 504).pdf
- KF - Use of School Buildings and Facilites.pdf
- KFA Public Conduct on School Property.pdf
- KFA-R Assaults.pdf
- KFB - Metal Detecting on School Property.pdf
- KFD Use and Location of Automated External Defibrillator(s).pdf
- KHB Advertising in the Schools.pdf
- KI Visitors to the Schools.pdf
- KLG Relations with Police Authorities.pdf